Thirteen???Fifteen???or was it Twenty years ago??? This fickle head can't even remember when it all started...can't even seem to care whether I've really survived the crash...whether this worn-out heart have really continued beating...whether all those bee stings really helped in prolonging my suffering...whether the stitches healed the guilt completely...whether somebody would be able to search for me in this world of doom that i've been living ever since my soul died decades ago...Hell! I never dreamt of my thoughts in such a state of paradoxical trance,,,Never expected that my heart would be in the heat of turmoil... Never reflected for so long until i heard the voice of an angel...a beautiful voice singing a unique mellow harmony of a wandering heart...a voice that allowed me to grasp the amazing silhouette of the world that was now alien to this mere ghost...a melody that allowed me to compose the adoring notes hurling inside my head...a tune that has turned all those bland scent into a romantic aroma ..it was then that my visits to the open window of my hunted room became frequent...little by little ...all the angst that have burdened this frail ghost started to fade...all the darkness was now in the shades of ROYGBIV ...then the cool breeze caressing the pale skin in all those private concertos delivered a concealed message...my fingers started to decipher the codes in the small piece of paper...but this skilled fingers gave up...all i could do was smell the cigarette scented paper...then the small piece of paper was followed by another one...and then another...and another...but i was not able to discover the hidden clandestine of every paper that has passed this bare hands....then one night, the sweet voice sung a lonely ballad...a tragic tune that not even a nightingale will be able to sing...followed by a loud *bang*...then creepy silence...i've alerted my senses...a voice deep within me kept on shouting..."please play your music! let me hear your song! let me feel life again!"...but not a single sound was heard...i stayed up the whole night waiting for the angel to play his harp and sing...convincing myself that the angel never left me alone in this doomed world of mine...but as the heat of the sun touched my face reality knocked on my stressed out soul...three rings of the church bell signaled the end of my unseen romance...the slow rhythm of the funeral song made me deaf again to the music of life...
Tags: blind's love story
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