Thursday, March 26, 2009

Mr. Wrong can be mr. Right

he brings me to the limits of my burning temper

he scolds me till dumbness dominates my intellect

he buries the self-respect left in me by his heartbreaking insults

he never appreciated my fact he regarded it as a noise...

he never read my writings... but he dared calling them a piece of trash

he never tasted the food i cook...for he feared that i'd drug him

he hates the perfume i use for its intoxicating scent

he looks down on me for inferior creatures for him doesn't deserve 'respect'

he is my number ONE critic...

he is my number ONE enemy...

He hates me the same as i hate him...

I even curse his name every night before i sleep

The anger within my heart even prompted me to write vandals about his hateful attitude and egoistic principles...

but heck ...fate played its game on us...

it was one rainy evening then that i first discovered the kept secrets of the most hateful man existing in my world...I'm the last person to leave the school, i believe...My science project is due the next day and the circuit is not cooperating with me...After i thought was an eternity, the set up was finished...I tried calling my Papa's phone so he can fetch me but he's phone is out of reach...with the remaining coins i have, i telephoned our house...And i guess i'm really unlucky for the payphone is not working... after fighting within myself, I was left with no choice but to bravely feel the heavy rain soaking me wet to the bones...In the coldness of the whistling wind, i wrapped my arms around my pooh backpack and run on the pouring rain...everything ahead of me is a blur...the water that drenched my face prevented me from seeing what lies ahead...and then came a big i bumped into a warm-blooded human being...I wanted to say sorry but not a single word came out... The creature wrapped his arms around my shoulder and lead me to the waiting shed outside our school...I wanted to thank him for protecting me from the wrath of the rain but before a voice came out...right in front of me materialized the face i hate the most...Before i could utter a word against him, an old woman in his fifties came running towards the hateful guy...

"Marco your brother had an attack,"said the woman was then that the red car of my father parked right in front of us...I immediately got inside the car...i can just leave mr.arrogant and the woman behind but something inside me made me call out his name...and after sometime we are already on our way to the provincial searched for his brother like a mad man...but he was too late....the lifeless body of his brother was already wrapped neatly in a white arrogant cried as if the world has left him alone for good..And i was there the whole time to witness mr.arrogant's suffering...I saw how he's been slowlyb tortured by the sight of the lifeless body of his ten year old brother...the memory of the heartbreaking night is still vivid in my thoughts,even in my dreams...

a week have passed since the burial of mr. arrogant's brother...i purposely bumped into him...i was expecting a smile from him but all i earned was a cold blank stare...the anger forgotten for sometime started to resurface...

i followed him into his turf and confronted him...amusement was mirrored in those eyes of him... i decided to retreat but his hand stopped me from leaving his territory...before i could protest,,,he's already savagely kissing me...his hand doing wonders in every possible way that i've never imagined...i wanted to push him....let my anger overpower my senses...

but the flame of anger was far too strong to control

I was never aware when it all started... but a collision of opposing poles happened

once a world connected by HATE in capital letters is now united by an unspoken passion...

my critic is now my number one fan...

my number ONE enemy is now my lover...

Hell! I never expected things to turn those bitter memories into a heartwarming experience...

i never thought that mr. arrogant would be the most understanding person in my life...never expected that mr. WRONG would be my mr.right...i found the way to his heart andhelped him forget all the loneliness in it...but it was him who taught me which path to travel so that i'll be able to reach him

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