Saturday, February 14, 2009

if cupid was santa claus

if cupid was santa i would:

place the person i love most on top of my wishlist

ask him to bring that person in front of me at this instant

beg him to give me enough courage so that i can tell that person that i really care for him

request him to hypnotize 'him' and tell 'him' to go on a date with me today

lastly...i would ask him to make that 'person' love me even just for a day...

but cupid can never be santa...and all my love wishes won't come love the heart really decides and wishes would never be granted..In love you have to smell the foul aromatic scent, taste the sweet-bitter taste and experience the best painful experience...In love you have to laugh your heart out loud even if your heart are is torn into pieces...

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