He ReceiVed my msg, "FoCus on your VocatioN"...
the reply was "is there anything wrong? You've changed"
I felt guilty...
I've been bothering him for 3 years...
I've been loving him for the past three years and now that i have his love, I decided to give up....
it's simply becaUSe, i woke up on the right side of the bed
realizing that there would never be us...
and there was never US
In thE next four YeaRs maybe, I'll Be in the HosPItal
RenderIng care
and HiM??
He'll be PreAching about The WoRd of GOD...
In The NexT nine years i'll be marrYing My PresEnt BoYfrienD ...
and the FuNNy thing is... I WaNt HiM to be the PersON to wed us...hahahahahaha..fatE brought us together...made us fall in too deep...but in the end...it made US realize that what we are doing is wrong...I am finally letting HIM go...I've committed myself to someone whom I can make plans for the future...someone who I can be with in the next years, decades, or if possible centuries to come..
Right Now, I'm noT yet that In Love wiTh hiM...
But he promised to waiT...FareweLL ArC
FareWell to all the memories we haD!!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
SweEt SuRREnDer
SittiNg on the DaMp and thE daRk corNer of ThE RooM
WaItinG for ThE stoppIng of The crUEl raInwaTer and My FiNaL dooM
HeaRing the SarCastic laugHs, hystErical criEs and ThE sHouT oF agOny
HidiNg liKe ThIevEs on thosE uNseeN shaDoWs disRuptiNg the night's haRmoNy
TheN the ErUption oF a ThuNder KnocK on ThE dooR
WhiCh sent the TrembliNg BoDy scrAmBling and stRuggLing on the blood-FillEd floOr
SudDenly the criEs, the LaUghs, the sHouts disappeaRed
In the SileNce, a deeP and familiAr voice caLLing my ForGotten name is heard
SlowlY the tiRed and woRn out FacE looKed up and my HeaRt starTed to raCe
In The jouRnEy of LiFe we TraVeled diffeReNt paths but we've met at the end of the Maze
As the loVely FaCe of the MaN reGistered on my deterioratiNg braiN
RecogNiziNg the ADONIS made Me realiZe that i'm still sane
The Hazelnut eyes buries through my very soul
Without breaking contact, he kneels down
Picked up my wouNded heart pReventing me FroM further faLL
And in his KisS all my worriEs were blown
He gave me the most passionate kiss
that in my lifetime i daRe not Miss
As he slid down his HanD into My waist, I know I'm his'
And I've no choice but to enjoy the PuRe Bliss...
WaItinG for ThE stoppIng of The crUEl raInwaTer and My FiNaL dooM
HeaRing the SarCastic laugHs, hystErical criEs and ThE sHouT oF agOny
HidiNg liKe ThIevEs on thosE uNseeN shaDoWs disRuptiNg the night's haRmoNy
TheN the ErUption oF a ThuNder KnocK on ThE dooR
WhiCh sent the TrembliNg BoDy scrAmBling and stRuggLing on the blood-FillEd floOr
SudDenly the criEs, the LaUghs, the sHouts disappeaRed
In the SileNce, a deeP and familiAr voice caLLing my ForGotten name is heard
SlowlY the tiRed and woRn out FacE looKed up and my HeaRt starTed to raCe
In The jouRnEy of LiFe we TraVeled diffeReNt paths but we've met at the end of the Maze
As the loVely FaCe of the MaN reGistered on my deterioratiNg braiN
RecogNiziNg the ADONIS made Me realiZe that i'm still sane
The Hazelnut eyes buries through my very soul
Without breaking contact, he kneels down
Picked up my wouNded heart pReventing me FroM further faLL
And in his KisS all my worriEs were blown
He gave me the most passionate kiss
that in my lifetime i daRe not Miss
As he slid down his HanD into My waist, I know I'm his'
And I've no choice but to enjoy the PuRe Bliss...
FROm MISS paranoia
StaNding sTill in ThE Middle of the FaCeless Crowd
SCreaMing at the Top of my voice and cRying out loud
UsIng all strength lEft to call out the stranGer's name
But no one seeMs to heaR me and it's all the same...
I've been trying To seaRch foR the stranger amongSt the ColD facEs
HunTing HiM dowN on sOme UnnamEd places
Suddenly I felt a tap of a familiar hand on my shoulder
but when I turned around no one is in there
Then little by little I'm losing my precious sight
My world becomes darker at the broad daylight
And the voices started to fade in a blink of an eye
Hell! the world is leaving me and I wanted to Cry
...a creepy silence fOlloWeD
Am I really alone in the middle of the bUsY Road?
But How will I know The answeR to my quesTIOn
If I caN't hear anything and I'm left with no vision
IF ever you happen To see the missing straNger
or see the man who tapped me on my shoulder
If ever you happen to hear the voice of the faceless stranger
Please tell me and at an instant i'll be there...
I slowly opened my eyes only to realize that I've been dreamiNg...well not the unusual dream ...I've been having that dream since the day you broke the engagement , OUR engagement and left without a word...
For the past 2 years...5 years...10 years of my life, I've been occupying the saME bed:BED 13, what a lucky number...and mind You i've been sharing the same room with a lot of other WoMEn who also have these cREePy dreaMs...But they're too selFiSh and they won't share it With me...then a beautifUl lady eNtered the RooM, with an ant filled traY on her hand...why ant-filled tray? Well the Ballpen like thing that she inserts on my skin bites like an ant, a GIANT ant...After giving the woman occupyiNg bed number 12 her ant-bite, she proceeded to bed number 14...I tried calling the lady's name but she won't take a glance at me...then reality struck me...I no longer own BeD 13...the occupant of bed 13 died a day ago...
cAuSe of DeaTh: HeMoRHAGGe from a punctuReD HEART
SCreaMing at the Top of my voice and cRying out loud
UsIng all strength lEft to call out the stranGer's name
But no one seeMs to heaR me and it's all the same...
I've been trying To seaRch foR the stranger amongSt the ColD facEs
HunTing HiM dowN on sOme UnnamEd places
Suddenly I felt a tap of a familiar hand on my shoulder
but when I turned around no one is in there
Then little by little I'm losing my precious sight
My world becomes darker at the broad daylight
And the voices started to fade in a blink of an eye
Hell! the world is leaving me and I wanted to Cry
...a creepy silence fOlloWeD
Am I really alone in the middle of the bUsY Road?
But How will I know The answeR to my quesTIOn
If I caN't hear anything and I'm left with no vision
IF ever you happen To see the missing straNger
or see the man who tapped me on my shoulder
If ever you happen to hear the voice of the faceless stranger
Please tell me and at an instant i'll be there...
I slowly opened my eyes only to realize that I've been dreamiNg...well not the unusual dream ...I've been having that dream since the day you broke the engagement , OUR engagement and left without a word...
For the past 2 years...5 years...10 years of my life, I've been occupying the saME bed:BED 13, what a lucky number...and mind You i've been sharing the same room with a lot of other WoMEn who also have these cREePy dreaMs...But they're too selFiSh and they won't share it With me...then a beautifUl lady eNtered the RooM, with an ant filled traY on her hand...why ant-filled tray? Well the Ballpen like thing that she inserts on my skin bites like an ant, a GIANT ant...After giving the woman occupyiNg bed number 12 her ant-bite, she proceeded to bed number 14...I tried calling the lady's name but she won't take a glance at me...then reality struck me...I no longer own BeD 13...the occupant of bed 13 died a day ago...
cAuSe of DeaTh: HeMoRHAGGe from a punctuReD HEART
Friday, September 12, 2008
a YounG Love

I wake up each day with a bright smile painted on my plain face...
having his name scribbled on my half-awake brain...
thInking of the Not so CheEsy coNverstioN
that Lasted in the setting of the dawn...
remeMbering his not so DeliciouS Laugh
feedIng my glooMY MooD...
MeMorizing the HoaRseNess of his VoIce
that keeps On BuggIng me and I had no choice...
FeELing the warmth of his LoVing Words
coMforting and protectiNg me from The hellish StOrms...
daYdreamiNg of the next not so BORinG Years with Him
of the future plain faced kids we'll raise with LovE
looKing forward To the Not so romantic DiNNers with him
the COMmOn but sweet waLks along the BeaCh
the NightS of conVersations with hiM on my sidE
wiTH ME holDing and Feeling ThosE caloused hands
ThaT TouChed and WarMed my achinG hEarT...
The Heck! He's the only sun I know
that can brighten up my gloomy MooD
that can bring Me My SanitY
that can Give me the TiniesT light behind Those CloUdy SKiEs!!!!!!!
having his name scribbled on my half-awake brain...
thInking of the Not so CheEsy coNverstioN
that Lasted in the setting of the dawn...
remeMbering his not so DeliciouS Laugh
feedIng my glooMY MooD...
MeMorizing the HoaRseNess of his VoIce
that keeps On BuggIng me and I had no choice...
FeELing the warmth of his LoVing Words
coMforting and protectiNg me from The hellish StOrms...
daYdreamiNg of the next not so BORinG Years with Him
of the future plain faced kids we'll raise with LovE
looKing forward To the Not so romantic DiNNers with him
the COMmOn but sweet waLks along the BeaCh
the NightS of conVersations with hiM on my sidE
wiTH ME holDing and Feeling ThosE caloused hands
ThaT TouChed and WarMed my achinG hEarT...
The Heck! He's the only sun I know
that can brighten up my gloomy MooD
that can bring Me My SanitY
that can Give me the TiniesT light behind Those CloUdy SKiEs!!!!!!!
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