StaNding sTill in ThE Middle of the FaCeless Crowd
SCreaMing at the Top of my voice and cRying out loud
UsIng all strength lEft to call out the stranGer's name
But no one seeMs to heaR me and it's all the same...
I've been trying To seaRch foR the stranger amongSt the ColD facEs
HunTing HiM dowN on sOme UnnamEd places
Suddenly I felt a tap of a familiar hand on my shoulder
but when I turned around no one is in there
Then little by little I'm losing my precious sight
My world becomes darker at the broad daylight
And the voices started to fade in a blink of an eye
Hell! the world is leaving me and I wanted to Cry
...a creepy silence fOlloWeD
Am I really alone in the middle of the bUsY Road?
But How will I know The answeR to my quesTIOn
If I caN't hear anything and I'm left with no vision
IF ever you happen To see the missing straNger
or see the man who tapped me on my shoulder
If ever you happen to hear the voice of the faceless stranger
Please tell me and at an instant i'll be there...
I slowly opened my eyes only to realize that I've been dreamiNg...well not the unusual dream ...I've been having that dream since the day you broke the engagement , OUR engagement and left without a word...
For the past 2 years...5 years...10 years of my life, I've been occupying the saME bed:BED 13, what a lucky number...and mind You i've been sharing the same room with a lot of other WoMEn who also have these cREePy dreaMs...But they're too selFiSh and they won't share it With me...then a beautifUl lady eNtered the RooM, with an ant filled traY on her hand...why ant-filled tray? Well the Ballpen like thing that she inserts on my skin bites like an ant, a GIANT ant...After giving the woman occupyiNg bed number 12 her ant-bite, she proceeded to bed number 14...I tried calling the lady's name but she won't take a glance at me...then reality struck me...I no longer own BeD 13...the occupant of bed 13 died a day ago...
cAuSe of DeaTh: HeMoRHAGGe from a punctuReD HEART
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