I wake up each day with a bright smile painted on my plain face...
having his name scribbled on my half-awake brain...
thInking of the Not so CheEsy coNverstioN
that Lasted in the setting of the dawn...
remeMbering his not so DeliciouS Laugh
feedIng my glooMY MooD...
MeMorizing the HoaRseNess of his VoIce
that keeps On BuggIng me and I had no choice...
FeELing the warmth of his LoVing Words
coMforting and protectiNg me from The hellish StOrms...
daYdreamiNg of the next not so BORinG Years with Him
of the future plain faced kids we'll raise with LovE
looKing forward To the Not so romantic DiNNers with him
the COMmOn but sweet waLks along the BeaCh
the NightS of conVersations with hiM on my sidE
wiTH ME holDing and Feeling ThosE caloused hands
ThaT TouChed and WarMed my achinG hEarT...
The Heck! He's the only sun I know
that can brighten up my gloomy MooD
that can bring Me My SanitY
that can Give me the TiniesT light behind Those CloUdy SKiEs!!!!!!!
having his name scribbled on my half-awake brain...
thInking of the Not so CheEsy coNverstioN
that Lasted in the setting of the dawn...
remeMbering his not so DeliciouS Laugh
feedIng my glooMY MooD...
MeMorizing the HoaRseNess of his VoIce
that keeps On BuggIng me and I had no choice...
FeELing the warmth of his LoVing Words
coMforting and protectiNg me from The hellish StOrms...
daYdreamiNg of the next not so BORinG Years with Him
of the future plain faced kids we'll raise with LovE
looKing forward To the Not so romantic DiNNers with him
the COMmOn but sweet waLks along the BeaCh
the NightS of conVersations with hiM on my sidE
wiTH ME holDing and Feeling ThosE caloused hands
ThaT TouChed and WarMed my achinG hEarT...
The Heck! He's the only sun I know
that can brighten up my gloomy MooD
that can bring Me My SanitY
that can Give me the TiniesT light behind Those CloUdy SKiEs!!!!!!!
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