SittiNg on the DaMp and thE daRk corNer of ThE RooM
WaItinG for ThE stoppIng of The crUEl raInwaTer and My FiNaL dooM
HeaRing the SarCastic laugHs, hystErical criEs and ThE sHouT oF agOny
HidiNg liKe ThIevEs on thosE uNseeN shaDoWs disRuptiNg the night's haRmoNy
TheN the ErUption oF a ThuNder KnocK on ThE dooR
WhiCh sent the TrembliNg BoDy scrAmBling and stRuggLing on the blood-FillEd floOr
SudDenly the criEs, the LaUghs, the sHouts disappeaRed
In the SileNce, a deeP and familiAr voice caLLing my ForGotten name is heard
SlowlY the tiRed and woRn out FacE looKed up and my HeaRt starTed to raCe
In The jouRnEy of LiFe we TraVeled diffeReNt paths but we've met at the end of the Maze
As the loVely FaCe of the MaN reGistered on my deterioratiNg braiN
RecogNiziNg the ADONIS made Me realiZe that i'm still sane
The Hazelnut eyes buries through my very soul
Without breaking contact, he kneels down
Picked up my wouNded heart pReventing me FroM further faLL
And in his KisS all my worriEs were blown
He gave me the most passionate kiss
that in my lifetime i daRe not Miss
As he slid down his HanD into My waist, I know I'm his'
And I've no choice but to enjoy the PuRe Bliss...
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